

Monday, June 3, 2024

Truckin’ Down the Sea to Sky Highway and the Chilcotin-Bella Coola Highway 20

After getting off the ferry we landed at Alice Lake Provincial Park, north of  Squamish BC. It’s dark with the trees and rainy skies, cold for us at 49 degrees! But we enjoyed a ribeye steak dinner.

Typical Pacific northwest area

Alice Lake

The moss isn't growing on him yet!

Our camping neighbors gave me a bouquet of flowers from their wedding.

The trunk looks like a witches fingers.

Day 65 - May 27

It’s 100 percent chance of rain day, cold. Decided to get out and go to the Brittania Mining Museum, a copper mine. It’s a National Historic Landmark. It was super good! Even in the rain! The underground tour was booked so we did the walking tour and the “Bam!” Presentation. It was awesome! They use lighting, sound, smells and special effects that really helped us understand how the copper mine operated.

Wish the clouds would lift so we can see the mountains!

22 stories

Day 66 - May 28

It rained all night and all morning. Cold. Getting the oil changed at Squamish. Had to take the Rambler off the truck. Just a big inconvenience for Ron. We did eat lunch out at the Shady Pub. I had a good chicken Brie sandwich.

Our destination was Nairn Falls Provincial Park. It’s a little north of Whistler. Beautiful. We can hear the roar of the roaring Green River. The scenery is not so green and mossy with heavy trees. It’s still drizzly and cold. 

Day 67 - May 29

Well, starting today we have no reservations for 4 weeks!  And we also had the most beautiful drive today on the Sea to Sky Highway! The clouds lifted enough so we could see the beautiful, tall mountains that the Whistler area is known for. All the mountains had a fresh dusting of snow. Beautiful. We decided to stay at Green Lake Provincial Park. Not crowded. Beautiful black sand beach. Beautiful sunset.

We drove to Williams Lake. Haircut time! Laundry. Stayed at the Stampede Campground. A good spot to recharge, refuel and clean up!

Day 69 - May 31

And we’re off to explore a new highway! The Chilcotin - Bella Coola, highway 20. It is reputed to be the most beautiful highway in BC. It’s very scenic with snow capped mountains. Lots of lakes. Little traffic. Decided to stay at Horn Lake, a forestry campground. Good decision. Right on a beautiful lake. Got a snow back drop on the mountain. Quiet and serene. 

Our spot on Horn Lake

Campground view

Horn Lake

Back porch view

Day 70 - June 1

Over coffee we decided we needed to drive over “the Hill” today. It was a beautiful drive. Lots of snow capped mountains! The Hill aka Heckman Pass at 5,000’ wasn’t so bad. It was slow. Reminds me of Engineer Pass in Colorado. Road was a wee bit wider. We also saw black bears, a cinnamon bear and an eagle and deer.

One of those switchbacks!

We spent the night at Bull Canyon Provincial Park.  Nestled up on the banks of the Chilcotin River. 

Chilcotin river at the back of the camper

The view from inside the Rambler

Big bridge over the Fraser River

We're thinking about heading on north up to the Arctic Ocean at Tuktoyakuk in the Northwest Territories to see if we can catch the northern lights they are predicting for later this week. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. That is some seriously beautiful country, isn't it? The wildlife sightings are just a bonus! We made it through Fort Nelson the other day and are headed to Muncho Lake tomorrow.
