

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Rambler Finishes British Columbia and Heads For the Yukon!

 Well plans can change. I will get to that later.

We’re still in a cold and rainy season. We got on the Yellowfoot Highway 16. Can’t really see the views with the weather. Stopped in Houston, BC. Very nice city park with a very large fly rod. 

I don't know about catching a fish with this rod.

Stayed the night at Tyree Lake Provincial Park. And looking back at my blog, we stayed here in 2017.

Tyhee Lake Provincial Park

We woke up to rain. Headed to the Cassiar Highway and planned a side trip to Stewart and Hyder. About 1:00 we stopped at Meziadin Lake Provincial ParkMeziadin Lake Provincial Park which is situated on a beautiful lake. We grabbed a spot and then headed down the 37a to Stewart. We have never driven a road this beautiful before! I think you can almost touch the snow capped mountains! The rivers are tumbling. The waterfalls are everywhere! The Bear Glacier was spectacular! The green of the lake at its toe was beautiful! The bear canyon is beautiful ! Stewart was quaint. There’s a great boardwalk from the visitor center to the Portland Canal.

Scenery along Hwy 37A

Bear Glacier

Bear Glacier

What a beautiful green color!

Waterfalls are everywhere!

It was a great boardwalk from the Visitor's Center

Downtown Stewart

View from our campground at Meziadin Provincial Park

Back at camp, it’s raining and cold. A busy campground. Tried the fire pit but yuck. Went inside and took a nap. Came out at 9:30 pm and weather is awesome! Had new friends from New Zealand join us at the fire. Stayed out until sunset around 11.

Day 74, June 8, and guess what! It’s cold and rainy. I know heat and sunshine are on the horizon! We landed at Dease Lake. It has been a beautiful drive. The Cassiar Highway is one of the prettiest drives ever! Saw more black bears.

It's just "Oh wow!"

The part of the highway that was gravel. No big deal.

A very square bridge

Dease Lake

I guess you could call it a twilight. The days are definitely longer now.

Day 75, June 6,  of our trip we finished driving the Cassiar. It’s been beautiful and road wasn’t bad. Take your time.  All in all, we logged 2,500 miles in British Columbia. We headed the Rambler to Watson Lake on the Alaska highway. About a 4 hour drive. Got a nice spot at the Watson Lake government campground and then headed to town. 

Dease lake

Our back porch view at Dease Lake

Made it to the Yukon!

Watson Lake is famous for their Signpost Forest. We had errands to do but first I wanted to see if we could find our sign from 2017 when we traveled through here with our friends Donna and Greg. We had success once I went back to my blog post in 2017! You can read and see it here: blog post in 2017! It was between a red metal maple leaf and a "slow" sign. We looked and looked for our friend's sign. We thought it was on the row behind us. Gave up looking. Guess what. It’s right by ours. Saw it in my picture. They both  needed some touch up! Oh well it’s hung for 7 years.

It's a maze of signs here.

Found the one we hung in 2017!

Yep found the maple leaf and the slow sign and there we were! The amazing thing was we spent another 30 minutes looking for the Gregurek sign and there it was beside ours lol.

It was a 5 hour drive to Whitehorse. We’re staying at an RV full service park - Caribou. Doubt we stay here on our way back. We had a weeks worth of laundry. They had 3 small washers. Get my drift? I tried food from their food truck…….mewh.  The drive down was pretty. Saw 2 moose! Finally clear skies! Can put on shorts too!

So here on day 77, June 8, (I mentioned earlier that plans change), our knowledgeable neighbor said….."Don’t drive the Dempster Highway to the Arctic Ocean. They just opened the road, the permafrost is melting under the road, everyone is getting stuck. Everyone is getting flat tires. Don’t try it." Well heck. Guess my toes won’t see the Arctic after all. We’re still going to drive the Klondike Highway up to Dawson City and make the Top of the World Highway. Going to the arctic was going to be an extra 1,100 miles. But dang it. I don't want to tear up our rig or truck, or deal with that stress.

The Klondike Highway so far is great.  Staying the night at Tatchun River government park. We’re right on the bank. Even put my chair in the creek for some cold foot therapy.  It’s been a beautiful day!

A cool roadhouse to visit

The mighty Yukon River at Five Finger Crossing

Our delightful front porch view.

Wonderful cold water on the feet.

We pulled into Dawson City on Day 78 to the Gold Rush RV Park. It's centrally located in town. We had folks that had driven the Dempster tell us - Don't go. One gentleman shared with me on the Facebook group for the Dempster a picture of his new tires, just like ours, that got shredded on his truck and truck camper. Nope, ain't doing that. So next up visit Dawson City with us as we stay a few days and then head into Chicken, Alaska! Plans changed probably for the best here.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty smart change of plans! We are in Skagway now, taking the ferry to Haines later today.
