

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 9, Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 9
Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014
Isle Royale National Park, Windigo, Michigan

Oh my!  You wake up today and think...."Let's just roll over and sleep under the covers and listen to it rain."  But no......we have an excursion booked to Isle Royale National Park, located in Lake Superior's northwest corner.  It is a roadless land, with rugged and scenic seashores. The island is roughly 20 miles from land, accessible by boat or sea plane.  We took the boat.  The unheated boat at that. The Voyageur II boat from Grand Portage to the island is a 2 hour ride and is recommended by the NPS.  And what a ride it was! Rough, high waves. The park is known for moose and wolves.  These animals are thought to have migrated by an ice bridge formed during exceptionally cold winters.  Coming into the Windigo Visitor Center through the Washington Harbor, we could see the Rock of Ages Lighthouse. 

We didn't see any moose today on the hike we took, but we did see their tracks.  It was so fun to be greated at the boat dock by park rangers. And so sad, in a way, to see them wave good-bye when we left. The life of a park ranger in a very remote area!  This was one of the coldest days ever but there was heat at the Visitor's Center where we took in 2 of their programs.

Burned all of our camp wood tonight as we can't take it across to Canada tomorrow. Happy trails!

 Hiking at Isle Royale
 Our boat ride at the dock at Windigo
 Our back porch at Grand Portage RV park
 This is a 500 year old cypress tree at Grand Portage, very sacred.
 Tanker traffic

Washington Harbor at Isle Royale NP

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