

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thursday, June 11, 2015 - Haviland Lake NFCG, CO

Arrived around noon to thunderstorms and a cool 40 degrees.  Got an electric site, just not on lake (try 40 or 41).  NOTE: Best to fill up with water before hand.

Left Amy and Aiden watching a movie while we drove to Silverton to check on jeep rental. Too much snow to go up Engineer Pass, but sure we will have an adventure!

Made happy camper pizza pies and s'mores for dinner. Enjoying the indoor fireplace.

June 10, 2015 - Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

We went to sleep with a little rain and woke up to a beautiful, cool 58 degree morning. Campground is nice, just no water at the sites.

Arrived in Mesa Verde about 1:30. We have a full hook-up site, but these sites are not pretty. So, started a load of clothes, put supper in the crock pot, and off we go! Ron, Amy and Aiden went on the Cliff Palace tour hike. We all went on the Spruce Tree House hike. Weather is gorgeous, too. On the drive you can see a lot of snow capped mountains. Very green with many flowers. The cliff dwellings are awesome.

P.S. Having a washer in the RV is the best!

Getting that all important Junior Ranger badge!